Friday, August 31, 2012

August Update!

Backpacks Arrived!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Susan, the secretary of Peace for Paul, visited the children during their August holiday and the children were thrilled to spend time with their auntie. She was kind enough to bring all of the backpacks from sponsors with her and the children were ecstatic to receive them! Thank you so much to all who sponsored a child's backpack! It was like Christmas in August for these 33 children!

Susan dancing with the little ones

Michael and Luke


Luke reading his letter from his sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities

We are currently looking for two PFP Family Sponsors. As a Family Sponsor you'll sponsor all 33 children! The PFP family needs a $100/mo. and $25/mo. sponsor. Thank you for your support!

Novel Program

Becky did such a wonderful job organizing the novel program this holiday! She awarded the children according to their performance.

The top five novel readers this holiday were:

1. Kurre Bosco

2. Lotuke Agnes

3. Longok Agnes

4. Tikol Joseph

5. Natule Gloria

We're so proud of our dedicated learners! Thank you Becky for putting together such a fantastic program!


The children who had birthdays in August celebrated by going to the park and swimming pool!

Becky and Irene

The children also had an ice cream party to celebrate the arrival of their longest holiday!



The holiday programs (sex ed, sports, conflict resolution and public speaking) are still in progress.

Little Emma, Joseph, Bosco, Friday and Paul

Esther taking notes
Being silly during class

Emma teaching the children how to play soccer

Chegem, Florence and Esther

Rose and Irene
Top Students Last Term

Primary 1 through 3:

1. Esther
2. Little Bosco
3. Gloria

Primary 4 through 7:

1. Agnes Longok
2. Tikol
3. Bosco

Almost all of the PFP children increased their academic performance this term. Esther and Paul made incredible improvements! Esther was the first in her class of 74 students and Paul increased 10% from last term! We're so proud of all of our children!

Dental Examinations

The children had their first dental examinations. Lotuke Agnes and Mark will both have teeth replaced, their teeth were damaged long ago while they were living on the streets and in the slums. Dental visitations will now occur twice a year.



Last month the children received typhoid vaccinations and all of the kids have been negative for typhoid since! In August the kids were vaccinated for measles, tetanus, polio, vitamin A and hepatitis B. Thank you Doctor Mufumba for taking such good care of our little ones!


Home Upkeep

All of the children pitched in and helped deep clean the house! We're so proud of our hard workers!


Emma and Becky

Luke modeling with his bucket :)

In addition to sparkling floors and organized shelves the children now have a new chair and couch!

Esther modeling

Joseph and Esther modeling

The children enjoying their new couch!

Current Fundraisers

The Third Annual Online Auction will take place this fall! We will be reaching out to ask for donations shortly. Thank you in advance for supporting such a worthy cause!

Social Networks

If you're on Facebook you should "like" PFP! We post regular updates and the latest photos of the kids so it's a great way for you to stay in the loop!

We've made it easier for you to find us. 
Just go to: and click the "like" button.  

Peace for Paul now has a Twitter account.
(we're so hip!)

You can follow us @PeaceforPaul