Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November Update!

It's The Holiday Season!

The kids are on school holiday!   Merry Christmas to them! The holiday began November 26th and will last for two months. For Christmas they will celebrate by going swimming, visiting their families in Masese, and by eating yummy food and cake!

Top 5
This term the top five students were as follows:

1. Natule, 98.6%
2. Agnes, 97.5%
3. Friday, 96.4%
4. Florence, 95.8%
5. Lodum, 93.8%

We are so proud of our hard working children! They all did really well.

Finals and Transitions
Emma and Peter took their final exams on November 30th. Emma will begin training for PFP shortly. He will begin by learning how to operate Microsoft Excel, Word, and the internet (which will soon be available at the PFP home). Peter is working on a business proposal that will be reviewed by the PFP Board of Directors on December 15th.

New Menu
Brandi Eslinger took the time to revise the children’s holiday menu. The menu now includes more fruit, vegetables, and protein. The biggest change is no more “posho” (cornmeal mixed with water), which is a popular staple in Uganda but has no nutritional value. Needless to say, the kids are VERY happy about this change.

Brandi Featured in Local Paper
Brandi was featured in the local Beulah, ND paper. She shared stories about her journey with Peace for Paul. Here is an excerpt:
“[Brandi] Eslinger met [Heidi] Kaltur in January 2009 and made her first trip to Uganda that August. ‘I was completely in love with it from the second I saw it,’ Eslinger said. ‘It’s just a very green and gorgeous country. The people are so friendly. I was treated as a guest and people who had nothing would give anything to make a meal or something like that.’ Eslinger got visibly emotional as she discussed the children she met and helped there. Despite growing up in grinding poverty, they are blessed with an abundance of love and affection.”

Additional Space
We are now renting out an additional building just behind the one that the Johnson family sponsors. The big boys (Peter, Emma, Cosmas, and Patrick) will live there and this will allow us to bring in up to five more children.